"Locked Down" is a 2021 romantic comedy heist film directed by Doug Liman.
The starring cast includes Anne Hathaway as Linda, Chiwetel Ejiofor as Paxton, Stephen Merchant as Michael Morgan, Mindy Kaling as Kate, Mark Gatiss as Donald, Lucy Boynton as Charlotte, Ben Stiller as Solomon, Ben Kingsley as Malcolm, Claes Bang as Essien, Dulé Hill as David and others.

Here are "Locked Down" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Locked Down movie?

HBO Max on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 released the trailer for "Locked Down" you can watch here:
Locked Down | Official Trailer | HBO Max.

Plot summary

What is Locked Down movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Locked Down" movie plot summary.

Paxton (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Linda (Anne Hathaway) are a disgruntled couple living in London amid the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Paxton is able to get only jobs as a delivery truck driver due to an assault arrest 10 years prior, and is upset how his life has turned out.
Due to stores being shut down there are a limited amount of drivers available for high-value deliveries, so Paxton's boss reaches out and asks him to make runs under a false identity for him. Linda, who is a CEO at a fashion company, is tasked with clearing out inventory at a nearby Harrods department store. She soon realizes their delivery schedules at the store overlap, and Paxton would not get past the security checkpoint Linda has set up.
Linda discloses that there is a £3 million diamond in the vault at Harrods that has been sold to an anonymous buyer, and the store keeps a duplicate on-location. She and Paxton agree to take the real diamond for themselves and send the fake one to the buyer in New York City, splitting the sale between themselves and the National Health Service.
Upon making it to the store, Linda and Paxton retrieve the diamond and swap it out with the fake. However they are confronted by Donald (Mark Gatiss), a former co-worker of Linda's she was told to fire earlier in the week. Donald had called the police after learning of Paxton's fake identity. Linda reveals their plan, and Donald agrees to lie for them.
Paxton and Linda, who originally planned to go their separate ways, decide to reevaluate their relationship. Then the COVID lockdown is extended by another two weeks.


Who plays who in the Locked Down movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Locked Down" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Anne Hathaway  as Linda Paxton's separated wife
Chiwetel Ejiofor  as Paxton Linda's separated husband
Stephen Merchant  as Michael Morgan Head of Security at Harrods
Mindy Kaling  as Kate Linda's former co-worker at Harrods
Mark Gatiss  as Donald Linda's co-worker
Lucy Boynton  as Charlotte
Ben Stiller  as Solomon Linda's boss
Ben Kingsley  as Malcolm Paxton's boss
Claes Bang  as Essien the owner of Linda's company
Dulé Hill  as David Paxton's half-brother
Jazmyn Simon  as Maria David's wife
Frances Ruffelle  as Byrdie Paxton and Linda's neighbor
Katie Leung  as Natasha
Sam Spruell  as Martin Paxton's co-worker
Sonic  as Hedgehog
Bobby Schofield  as Noah
Tallulah Greive  as Lily
Dan Ball  as Toby
Louis Ball  as Toby's Child
Eva Röse  as Melissa
Quinn Dempsey Stiller  as Guy's Child (as Quinlan Dempsey Stiller)
Mark Lisseman  as Shopper
Romel Onuoha  as Customer (as Romel Onouha)
Shereen Gray  as Virginia
Anna Behne  as Exec 1
Andreas Grant  as Exec 2
Alexandra Reimer-Duffy  as Exec 3
Hughie Mann  as Driver
Marek Larwood  as Mark
Vito Narcisse Perkins  as Operator
Ross Young  as Security Escort
Olivia Onyehara  as Harrods Staff Member

Release date

When is Locked Down movie release date?

"Locked Down" movie release date was scheduled to be on January 14, 2021 (United States) distributing by Warner Bros. Pictures and HBO Max.


What are Locked Down filming details?

The duration of the film is 118 minutes. The film's budget is $3 million.

"Locked Down" movie is rated "R", according to the MPAA film rating system.


What are critics and audiences saying about Locked Down movie?

"Locked Down" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 5.2/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 43/100.

More information and reviews on "Locked Down" movie you can get on the following websites.

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