"At Eternity's Gate" is a 2018 biographical drama film directed by Julian Schnabel.
The starring cast includes Willem Dafoe as Vincent van Gogh, Rupert Friend as Theo van Gogh, Mads Mikkelsen as Priest, Mathieu Amalric as Doctor Paul Gachet, Emmanuelle Seigner as The Woman from Arles, Oscar Isaac as Paul Gauguin, Niels Arestrup as Madman, Vladimir Consigny as Doctor Felix Ray, Stella Schnabel as Gaby, Amira Casar as Johanna Van Gogh and others.

Here are "At Eternity's Gate" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for At Eternity's Gate movie?

CBS Films on Wednesday, September 05, 2018 released the trailer for "At Eternity's Gate" you can watch here:
AT ETERNITY'S GATE - Official Trailer - HD (Willem Dafoe, Rupert Friend, Mads Mikkelsen).

Plot summary

What is At Eternity's Gate movie plot?

Here is a short review of "At Eternity's Gate" movie plot summary.

Vincent van Gogh (Willem Dafoe) seems to always be in artistic and emotional exhaustion. He is occasionally enraptured by his aesthetic responses to the landscapes around Arles; he renders them in oil on canvas or in a sketch pad using his own style of creating his work in a single, rapid sitting. When not in the countryside, he paints inside a yellow room in a yellow house. He begins to contemplate the fleeting nature of some subjects of still life. He also thinks about seasonal flowers and the artistic process which renders a permanent and eternal quality to the representation of flowers on canvas, which does not wilt and wither.
For a while, Vincent's preferred medium becomes a large sketchbook given to him by Madame Ginoux which he begins to fill with renderings of landscapes in pen and ink. He continues to ponder various philosophical and existential questions such as his desire "not to see a landscape but only the eternity behind it", and that "there cannot be such a thing as nature without there also being a meaning to nature." He wishes to devote increasing time to rendering the landscapes. A group of schoolchildren and their teacher mock Vincent and his work and he chases them away. The teacher and her students call him crazy as they run away in fear. On his walk home some boys throw rocks at him. When he chases the boys some townsmen subdue him and report him to the local psychiatric hospital. His brother Theo is called to Arles from Paris, who in turn convinces Paul Gauguin (Oscar Isaac) to agree to visit Vincent. Gauguin soon arrives in Arles.


Who plays who in the At Eternity's Gate movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "At Eternity's Gate" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Willem Dafoe  as Vincent van Gogh
Rupert Friend  as Theo van Gogh
Mads Mikkelsen  as Priest
Mathieu Amalric  as Doctor Paul Gachet
Emmanuelle Seigner  as The Woman from Arles/Madame Ginoux
Oscar Isaac  as Paul Gauguin
Niels Arestrup  as Madman
Vladimir Consigny  as Doctor Felix Ray
Stella Schnabel  as Gaby
Amira Casar  as Johanna Van Gogh
Vincent Perez  as The Director
Anne Consigny  as Teacher
Lolita Chammah  as Girl on the Road
Alexis Michalik  as Artists Tambourin
Didier Jarre  as Asylum Guard
Louis Garrel  as Aurier's Article
Arthur Jacquin  as René
Solal Forte  as Gaston
Vincent Grass  as Café Owner
Clément Paul Lhuaire  as Emile Bernard (as Clément Lhuaire)
Alan Aubert  as Albert Aurier / Painter (as Alan Aubert-Carlin)
Laurent Bateau  as Joseph Roulin
Frank Molinaro  as Toulouse-Lautrec (as Franck Molinaro)
Montassar Alaya  as Zouave (as Alaïa Montassar)
Thierry Nenez  as Clerk Hôtel de la Gare
Johan Kugelberg  as Surgeon
François Delaive  as Artists Tambourin
Nicolas Abraham  as Artists Tambourin
Manuel Guillot  as Artists Tambourin
Paul Théotime  as School Child
Romane Libert  as School Child
Milo Aubriet  as School Child
Clélia Robin-Oeustricher  as School Child
Arthur Gloanec  as School Child
Alfred Bloch  as School Child
Ludmilla Roitbourd  as School Child

Release date

When is At Eternity's Gate movie release date?

"At Eternity's Gate" movie release date was scheduled to be on September 3, 2018 (Venice), on November 16, 2018 (United States), on February 15, 2019 (France) and on March 29, 2019 (United Kingdom) distributing by Netflix (France), Curzon Artificial Eye (United Kingdom), CBS Films (United States), Curzon Film Distributors, DCM, Diamond Films, GAGA., Odeon - Audio Visual Entertainment, Shaw Organisation, Shochiku, The Searchers, Elevation Pictures, Front Row Filmed Entertainment, Lionsgate Home Entertainment, Outsider Films, Remain In Light and Universum Film (UFA).


What are At Eternity's Gate filming details?

The duration of the film is 110 minutes. The film grossed over $11.2 million.

"At Eternity's Gate" movie is rated "PG-13", according to the MPAA film rating system.


What are critics and audiences saying about At Eternity's Gate movie?

"At Eternity's Gate" movie got high rating from critics. IMDB rating is 7/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 79/100. The audience also likes the film.

More information and reviews on "At Eternity's Gate" movie you can get on the following websites.

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At Eternity's Gate on IMDB is available at:

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