"Like Father" is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Lauren Miller Rogen.
The starring cast includes Kristen Bell, Kelsey Grammer, Seth Rogen, Paul W. Downs, Zach Appelman, Brett Gelman, Amber Hodgkiss, Leonard Ouzts, Kimiko Glenn, Jon Foster and others.

Here are "Like Father" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Like Father movie?

Netflix on Monday, June 18, 2018 released the trailer for "Like Father" you can watch here:
Like Father | Official Trailer | Netflix.

Plot summary

What is Like Father movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Like Father" movie plot summary.

When a workaholic young executive (Kristen Bell) is left at the altar, she ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with the last person she ever expected: her estranged and equally work-obsessed father (Kelsey Grammer). The two arrive as strangers, but over the course of a few adventures, a couple of umbrella-clad cocktails and much soul-searching, they return with a renewed appreciation for family and life.


Who plays who in the Like Father movie?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Like Father" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Kristen Bell  as Rachel Hamilton Harry's daughter
Kelsey Grammer  as Harry Hamilton Rachel's father
Seth Rogen  as Jeff a divorced man with whom Rachel has a one night stand
Paul W. Downs  as Jim (as Paul Downs)
Zach Appelman  as Steve
Brett Gelman  as Frank Lerue
Amber Hodgkiss  as Ginny
Leonard Ouzts  as Dan
Kimiko Glenn  as Geena
Jon Foster  as Owen
Blaire Brooks  as Beth
Anthony Laciura  as Leonard
Mary Looram  as Shirley
Danielle Davenport  as Vanessa
Wynter Kullman  as Emily
Elisabeth Ness  as Rose
Ralph Adriel Johnson  as Creative Exec #2
Olivia Oguma  as Creative Exec #1
Brian McCarthy  as Ben
Keilly McQuail  as Evie
Kenneth McCoy  as Tribeca Bartender
Jen Zaborowski  as Jane
Brittany Ross  as Amy
Marco Naggar  as Seamus
Lenny Jacobson  as Jimmy Deer
John D Singh  as Nicholas (as John Singh)
Lauren Miller Rogen  as Tired Woman
Vincent Morano  as Tired Man
Ejyp Johnson  as Rasta Sheriff
Nana Mensah  as American Airlines Agent

Release date

When is Like Father movie release date?

"Like Father" movie release date was scheduled to be on August 3, 2018 (United States) distributing by Netflix.


What are Like Father filming details?

The duration of the film is 98 minutes.


What are critics and audiences saying about Like Father movie?

"Like Father" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 6.1/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 46/100. But the audience kinda likes the film.

More information and reviews on "Like Father" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Like Father on IMDB is available at:

Wikipedia is a multilingual open-collaborative online encyclopedia created and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.

Like Father on Wikipedia is available at:

Hashtags: #LikeFather, #LikeFatherMovie, #LaurenMillerRogen, #KristenBell, #KelseyGrammer, #SethRogen, #PaulWDowns, #ZachAppelman, #BrettGelman, #AmberHodgkiss, #LeonardOuzts, #KimikoGlenn, #JonFoster, #BlaireBrooks, #AnthonyLaciura, #MaryLooram, #DanielleDavenport, #WynterKullman, #ElisabethNess, #RalphAdrielJohnson, #OliviaOguma, #BrianMcCarthy, #KeillyMcQuail, #KennethMcCoy, #JenZaborowski, #BrittanyRoss, #MarcoNaggar, #LennyJacobson, #JohnDSingh, #VincentMorano, #EjypJohnson, #NanaMensah, #LaurenMiller.