"Darksiders Genesis" is a top-down hack and slash action role-playing video game by , developed by , and .

Here are "Darksiders Genesis" video game trailer, gameplay, features, release date, download and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Darksiders Genesis?

THQ Nordic on Thursday, December 05, 2019 released the trailer for "Darksiders Genesis" you can watch here:
Darksiders Genesis - PC & Stadia Launch Trailer.


What are Darksiders Genesis gameplay features?

Here is a short review of "Darksiders Genesis" video game gameplay features.

Played from a top-down perspective, the game allows players to switch between Strife and War at any time. Strife uses his pistols, Mercy and Redemption while War uses his sword, Chaos Eater. Alternatively, two players can play the game in a co-op mode with each player taking the role of one of the characters. Once the player has killed enough enemies, they are allowed to use burst abilities which allow them to take down enemies quicker. The game currency is souls which can be earned by killing enemies that will spawn before the player. Platforming elements similar to previous games make a return and certain gameplay mechanics such as bombs are present too.
After the Four Horsemen have attacked and decimated the Nephilim in Eden, they are summoned by the Charred Council. The Council suspects that the demon king Lucifer is planning something with Samael to upset the Balance and orders War and Strife to investigate. After invading Samael's keep, they find it under attack from another Master of Hell, albeit a lesser one: Moloch. Samael informs them that he is not in league with Lucifer and the current attack on him is the result of that. Before he can say anything else, Moloch attacks and Samael teleports the Horsemen to the Void to find and talk to his associate.
The Horsemen travel through the Void and find Vulgrim to be the associate Samael spoke of. Vulgrim informs them he can help track down Lucifer but he needs several artifacts. After collecting the required artifacts Vulgrim informs them that Lucifer has paid a visit to Mammon, another Master of Hell. Samael arrives at this point and suggests that the Horsemen find Mammon and make him talk about Lucifer. They find Mammon with several relics and weapons from Eden. After killing him, the Horsemen return to Vulgrim and Samael where they learn that Lucifer has opened a path to Eden, bringing its sacred water and turning it into poison. The demon Belial is in charge of this operation. After stopping the operation, they confront and defeat Belial but spare him. But after the Horsemen leave, Lucifer arrives and punishes him.
The Horsemen learn that Dagon, the Drowned King is also helping Lucifer as Lucifer has offered Eden to him. Meanwhile, they meet Abaddon, the guardian angel of Eden. He informs them that Lucifer is spreading corruption and asks them to help him cleanse Eden. Afterwards, the Horsemen track down and kill Dagon. They return to the Void and Samael advises them to destroy the source of Moloch's power before they attack him. They do so and together with Samael, they attack and kill Moloch. However, before his death, Moloch tells them that Lucifer's plan is complete and Samael knows about it.

Release date

When is Darksiders Genesis game release date?

"Darksiders Genesis" video game release date was scheduled to be on December 5, 2019 and on February 14, 2020 published by THQ Nordic.


What are Darksiders Genesis game specifications?

Darksiders Genesis is a single-player and multiplayer video game.

Darksiders Genesis uses Unreal Engine 4 engine.

Darksiders Genesis is available for the following platforms: Stadia, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Where to buy and download Darksiders Genesis video game?

More information on where to buy and download "Darksiders Genesis" video game, also reviews of gameplay features and game requirements you can get on the following websites.

"Darksiders Genesis" video game official website:

Darksiders Genesis buy and download:

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