"Charm City Kings" is a 2020 American drama film directed by Angel Manuel Soto.
The starring cast includes Jahi Di'Allo Winston as Mouse, Meek Mill as Blax, Teyonah Parris as Teri, Kezii Curtis as Sweartagawd, William Catlett as Rivers, Chandler DuPont as Nicki, Marvin Raheem as Derrick, Milan Ray as Shay, Charles D. Clark, Donielle T. Hansley Jr. as Lamont and others.

Here are "Charm City Kings" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Charm City Kings movie?

HBO Max on Tuesday, September 08, 2020 released the trailer for "Charm City Kings" you can watch here:
Charm City Kings | Official Trailer | HBOMax.

Plot summary

What is Charm City Kings movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Charm City Kings" movie plot summary.

14-year-old Mouse (Jahi Di'Allo Winston) lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his single mother and younger sister. Mouse is interested in motorbikes, a big part of the culture in Baltimore, but his mother disapproves as his older brother Stro (Pug) died in a biking accident at the age of 17. Once a week during the summer is an event called The Ride, where people bring out their motorbikes and do stunts in the street. Mouse's mother forbids him from attending, but he sneaks out anyway to attend with his friends Lamont (Donielle T. Hansley Jr.) and Sweartagawd (Kezii Curtis).
Mouse purchases a run-down four-wheel motorbike and is detained by police while driving it home. He is picked up by police detective Rivers (William Catlett), who has known Mouse from a young age through a police outreach program with his school. Rivers tells Mouse he can come to him for advice any time and implores him to stay out of trouble, but Mouse ignores him. Mouse meets a new girl down the street, Nicki (Chandler DuPont), who is interested in photography; Mouse invites her to come along to The Ride. There, Mouse attempts a trick on his four-wheeler but crashes; they later witness a biker gang known as the Midnight Clique lead the police on a high-speed chase and escape. One of the bikers is a local legend known as Blax (Meek Mill), who recently got out of prison.
Mouse, Lamont and Sweartagawd visit the Midnight Clique's hangout spot later that night, who tells them to leave. Mouse later meets Blax outside a bike repair shop where he works as part of his parole program. Blax says he knew Mouse's brother Stro, a member of the Clique; he invites Mouse into the shop and offers him a box of scraps to build his own bike. Mouse asks if Blax would provide Lamont and Sweartagawd with the same opportunity; Blax agrees, impressed with his loyalty. Mouse starts ditching his job at the local animal hospital to spend more time at Blax's auto shop.


Who plays who in the Charm City Kings movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Charm City Kings" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Jahi Di'Allo Winston  as Mouse
Meek Mill  as Blax
Teyonah Parris  as Teri
Kezii Curtis  as Sweartagawd
William Catlett  as Rivers (as Will Catlett)
Chandler DuPont  as Nicki
Marvin Raheem  as Derrick
Milan Ray  as Shay
Donielle T. Hansley Jr.  as Lamont (as Donielle Tremaine Hansley)
Pacino Braxton  as Jamal (as Chino)
Lakeyria Doughty  as Queen (as Lakeyria 'Wheelie Queen' Doughty)
Pug  as Stro (as Tyquan Ford)
Jeanette Maus  as Dr. Parish
Cecelia Ann Birt  as Grandma (as CeCeLia Birt)
Arnold Y. Kim  as Convenience Store Owner (as Arnold Kim)
Kate Pak  as Convenience Store Owner's Wife (as Hyonkyung Kate O'Leary)
Hero Hunter  as Young Mouse (as Hero Amir Hunter)
David A MacDonald  as Uniform Cop (as David MacDonald)
Darren Alford  as Kid
Nathan Corbett  as Cop (as Nathan E. Corbett)
Talia Williams  as Pretty Girl (as Talia Jenae Williams)
LaTonya Blue  as Friend
Timeka Brown  as Friend
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake  as Reporter

Release date

When is Charm City Kings movie release date?

"Charm City Kings" movie release date was scheduled to be on January 27, 2020 (Sundance) and on October 8, 2020 (United States) distributing by HBO Max and Warner Max.


What are Charm City Kings filming details?

The duration of the film is 125 minutes.

"Charm City Kings" movie is rated "R", according to the MPAA film rating system.

Principal photography began in October 2018.


What are critics and audiences saying about Charm City Kings movie?

"Charm City Kings" movie got high rating from critics. IMDB rating is 6.7/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 80/100.

More information and reviews on "Charm City Kings" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Charm City Kings on IMDB is available at:

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