"Flashback" is a 2020 mystery thriller film directed by Christopher MacBride.
The starring cast includes Dylan O'Brien as Fredrick "Fred" Fitzell, Maika Monroe as Cindy Williams, Hannah Gross as Karen, Amanda Brugel as Evelyn, Emory Cohen as Sebastian, Keir Gilchrist as Andre, Constantine Meglis as Doorman, Sima Fisher as Dancer, Aaron Poole as Pierced Man, Josh Cruddas as Twenty Something and others.

Here are "Flashback" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Flashback movie?

Lionsgate Movies on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 released the trailer for "Flashback" you can watch here:
Flashback (2021 Movie) Official Trailer - Dylan O'Brien, Maika Monroe, Hannah Gross.

Plot summary

What is Flashback movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Flashback" movie plot summary.

After a chance encounter with a man forgotten from his youth, Fred (Dylan O'Brien) literally and metaphorically journeys into his past. He slowly begins to unravel a long hidden mystery about a missing girl, a drug called Mercury, and a terrifying creature that has now followed him into adulthood.


Who plays who in the Flashback movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Flashback" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Dylan O'Brien  as Fredrick "Fred" Fitzell
Maika Monroe  as Cindy Williams
Hannah Gross  as Karen
Amanda Brugel  as Evelyn
Emory Cohen  as Sebastian
Keir Gilchrist  as Andre
Constantine Meglis  as Doorman / stripper
Sima Fisher  as Dancer
Aaron Poole  as Pierced Man
Josh Cruddas  as Twenty Something
Liisa Repo-Martell  as Mrs. Fitzell
Ian Matthews  as Vincent
Maika Harper  as Tattooed Woman
Landon Norris  as Scarred Man
Hershel Blatt  as Mike
Donald Burda  as Dr. Phillips
Jackie English  as Violet
Connor Smith  as Scarred man
Myles Isen  as Fred at 6
Andrew Latter  as 12 Year Old Kid

Release date

When is Flashback movie release date?

"Flashback" movie release date was scheduled to be on October 8, 2020 (Sitges Film Festival) and on June 4, 2021 (United States) distributing by Lionsgate Films, Entertainment One, Front Row Filmed Entertainment, Lionsgate Home Entertainment, Originals Factory and Pancinema.


What are critics and audiences saying about Flashback movie?

"Flashback" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 6.8/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 50/100.

More information and reviews on "Flashback" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Flashback on IMDB is available at:

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