"The Sun Is Also a Star" is a 2019 American teen drama film directed by Ry Russo-Young.
The starring cast includes Yara Shahidi as Natasha Kingsley, Charles Melton as Daniel Jae Ho Bae, Gbenga Akinnagbe as Samuel Kingsley, Hill Harper as Lester Barnes, John Leguizamo as Jeremy Martinez, Anais Lee as Young Natasha, Jake Choi as Charles Bae, Miriam A. Hyman as Patricia Kingsley, Jordan Williams as Peter Kingsley, Keong Sim as Dae Hyun Bae and others.

Here are "The Sun Is Also a Star" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for The Sun Is Also a Star movie?

Warner Bros. Pictures on Wednesday, February 06, 2019 released the trailer for "The Sun Is Also a Star" you can watch here:
THE SUN IS ALSO A STAR - Official Trailer.

Plot summary

What is The Sun Is Also a Star movie plot?

Here is a short review of "The Sun Is Also a Star" movie plot summary.

Natasha (Yara Shahidi) lives in New York City with her parents Samuel (Gbenga Akinnagbe) and Patricia, and her brother Peter, all of whom are illegally in the country. Natasha and her family are set to be deported back to Jamaica. The day before her family must leave, Natasha goes to the immigration office and makes a tearful plea for her parents' case. Lester Barnes (Hill Harper), the Immigration Case Worker, gives Natasha the contact info for Jeremy Martinez (John Leguizamo), who can do pro bono work for her case. Natasha contacts Mr. Martinez's office and, after pleading, is told she can meet with him for 15 minutes during his lunch break.
Daniel (Charles Melton) Bae is preparing for an interview for Yale. While getting ready, he writes "Deus ex Machina" into his notebook. He comes from a Korean family, and his parents Dae Hyun and Min Soo encourage him to pursue a career as a doctor. His brother, Charles, is dismissive and rude to him.
Daniel and his friend Omar get on the subway into the same subway car as Natasha, and the train stalls. The conductor reassures the passengers over the speakers that everything is fine and begins telling a story about a friend who missed a train and, had he been on time that day, would have died in the 9/11 attacks since he worked at the World Trade Center. The conductor tells the passengers to "open your heart to destiny." When Daniel and Omar get off at Grand Central Station, Daniel notices Natasha staring at the ceiling of Grand Central's main lobby. He also notices her jacket, which reads "Deus ex machina," a phrase he had been thinking about that morning. Daniel decides to go after her.


Who plays who in the The Sun Is Also a Star movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "The Sun Is Also a Star" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Yara Shahidi  as Natasha Kingsley
Charles Melton  as Daniel Jae Ho Bae
Gbenga Akinnagbe  as Samuel Kingsley
Hill Harper  as Lester Barnes
John Leguizamo  as Jeremy Martinez
Anais Lee  as Young Natasha
Jake Choi  as Charles Bae
Miriam A. Hyman  as Patricia Kingsley
Jordan Williams  as Peter Kingsley
Keong Sim  as Dae Hyun Bae
Cathy Shim  as Min Soo Bae
Shamika Cotton  as Hannah
Camrus Johnson  as Omar Hassabala
Harry Chambarry  as Angry Passenger
Tash Neal  as Guitarist

Release date

When is The Sun Is Also a Star movie release date?

"The Sun Is Also a Star" movie release date was scheduled to be on May 16, 2019 (Germany), on May 17, 2019 (United States) and on August 9, 2019 (United Kingdom) distributing by Warner Bros. Pictures, Forum Film Poland, NOS Audiovisuais, Warner Bros. F.E. and Videoland.


What are The Sun Is Also a Star filming details?

The duration of the film is 100 minutes. With a budget of $9 million, the film grossed over $6.8 million.

"The Sun Is Also a Star" movie is rated "PG-13", according to the MPAA film rating system.


What are critics and audiences saying about The Sun Is Also a Star movie?

"The Sun Is Also a Star" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 5.9/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 51/100. Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B-" on a scale ranging from A+ to F.

More information and reviews on "The Sun Is Also a Star" movie you can get on the following websites.

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