"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" is a 2018 American teen romantic comedy film directed by Susan Johnson.
The starring cast includes Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, Janel Parrish, Anna Cathcart, Andrew Bachelor, Trezzo Mahoro, Madeleine Arthur, Emilija Baranac, Israel Broussard, John Corbett and others.

Here are "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie?

Netflix Film Club on Thursday, July 26, 2018 released the trailer for "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" you can watch here:
To All The Boys I've Loved Before | Official Trailer | Netflix.

Plot summary

What is To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie plot?

Here is a short review of "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie plot summary.

High school junior Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) writes letters to boys she feels an intense passion for before locking the letters away in her closet. Her latest letter is to her childhood friend Josh (Israel Broussard), who is dating her older sister Margot (Janel Parrish). When Margot moves to college, she breaks up with Josh. Lara Jean (Isabelle Beech) has always had a crush on Josh and decides it would not be okay to date him.
One night, while hanging out with her little sister, Kitty (Anna Cathcart), Lara Jean falls asleep on the couch. Kitty sneaks into Lara Jean's room and finds her collection of letters. The following Monday at school, Lara Jean is confronted by a former crush of hers, Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo). Peter reveals he was mailed the letter Lara Jean had wrote him, causing her to faint. After waking up, she sees Josh approaching with a letter of his own, and in a moment of panic, Lara Jean kisses Peter on the school track to throw Josh off before running off.
Lara Jean then encounters another recipient of a letter, Lucas (Trezzo Mahoro), who comes out as gay as she begins to realize that all the letters have been mailed out.
She later left her house when Josh showed up unannounced. Lara Jean then encounters Peter at her favorite diner. She explains to him that she was merely trying to make Josh think that she has lost interest in him. Peter is surprisingly okay with this, and proposes that he and Lara Jean fake date each other to make his ex-girlfriend (Lara Jean's ex-best friend and nemesis) Gen (Emilija Baranac) jealous. Lara Jean agrees, and the next few months go by with the whole school, along with their respective friends and families, believing that the two are dating.


Who plays who in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie?

Here is the full cast and characters of "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Lana Condor  as Lara Jean
Noah Centineo  as Peter one of Lara Jean's love letter recipients
Janel Parrish  as Margot Lara Jean's older sister and Josh's ex-girlfriend
Anna Cathcart  as Kitty Lara Jean's younger sister
Andrew Bachelor  as Greg Peter's best friend
Trezzo Mahoro  as Lucas a friend of Lara Jean's and one of her former crushes
Madeleine Arthur  as Christine Genevieve's cousin and Lara Jean's best friend
Emilija Baranac  as Gen Peter's ex-girlfriend and Lara Jean's former best friend in middle school
Israel Broussard  as Josh Margot's ex-boyfriend and one of Lara Jean's former loves
John Corbett  as Dr. Covey Lara Jean's father
Isabelle Beech  as Young Lara Jean (as Isabelle Beach)
Hunter Dillon  as Young Peter
Kelcey Mawema  as Emily a friend of Gen's
Julia Benson  as Mrs. Kavinsky
Rhys Fleming  as Young Gen
Joey Pacheco  as Owen Peter's younger brother
Christian Michael Cooper  as Young Josh
Edward Kewin  as Kenny one of Lara Jean's love letter recipients
Jordan Burtchett  as John Ambrose one of Lara Jean's love letter recipients
Pavel Piddocke  as Young John Ambrose
June B. Wilde  as Joan
Jeb Beach  as Coach
Cameron Crosby  as Guy
Yael Yurman  as Tiny Freshman

Release date

When is To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie release date?

"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie release date was scheduled to be on August 17, 2018 (United States) distributing by Netflix.


What are To All the Boys I've Loved Before filming details?

The duration of the film is 99 minutes.

Principal photography began in Vancouver, British Columbia and the surrounding areas on July 5, 2017.


What are critics and audiences saying about To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie?

"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie got high rating from critics. IMDB rating is 7.1/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 96/100. The audience also loves the film.

More information and reviews on "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before on IMDB is available at:

Wikipedia is a multilingual open-collaborative online encyclopedia created and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before on Wikipedia is available at:

Hashtags: #ToAllTheBoysIveLovedBefore, #SusanJohnson, #LanaCondor, #NoahCentineo, #JanelParrish, #AnnaCathcart, #AndrewBachelor, #TrezzoMahoro, #MadeleineArthur, #EmilijaBaranac, #IsraelBroussard, #JohnCorbett, #IsabelleBeech, #HunterDillon, #KelceyMawema, #JuliaBenson, #RhysFleming, #JoeyPacheco, #ChristianMichaelCooper, #EdwardKewin, #JordanBurtchett, #PavelPiddocke, #JuneBWilde, #JebBeach, #CameronCrosby, #YaelYurman, #JuneRWilde.