"Free Guy" is a 2021 American science fiction action comedy film directed by Shawn Levy.
The starring cast includes Ryan Reynolds as Guy, Jodie Comer as Millie, Lil Rel Howery as Buddy, Utkarsh Ambudkar as Mouser, Joe Keery as Keys, Taika Waititi as Antoine, John Krasinski as Voice of Player, Camille Kostek as Bombshell, Aaron W Reed as Dude, Channing Tatum and others.

Here are "Free Guy" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Free Guy movie?

20th Century Studios on Thursday, June 10, 2021 released the trailer for "Free Guy" you can watch here:
Free Guy | New Trailer | 20th Century Studios.

Plot summary

What is Free Guy movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Free Guy" movie plot summary.

In the open world video game Free City, Guy (Ryan Reynolds) is a non-player character (NPC) working as a bank teller. Thanks to a program developed by programmers Millie (Jodie Comer) and Keys (Joe Keery) inserted into Free City by the publisher Antwan (Waititi), Guy becomes self-aware of his world being a video game, and takes steps to make himself the hero, creating a race against time to save the game before the developers can shut it down.


Who plays who in the Free Guy movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Free Guy" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Ryan Reynolds  as Guy
Jodie Comer  as Millie / Molotov Girl
Lil Rel Howery  as Buddy
Utkarsh Ambudkar  as Mouser
Joe Keery  as Keys
Taika Waititi  as Antoine
John Krasinski  as Voice of Player
Camille Kostek  as Bombshell
Aaron W Reed  as Dude
Channing Tatum  as Avatar
Kimberly Howe  as Blue Avatar
Matty Cardarople  as Gamer
Alex Trebek  as Alex Trebek
Tait Fletcher  as Viking Warrior / Security
Leah Procito  as Bank Teller
Tyler Blevins  as Ninja
Anastasia Tsikhanava  as Avatar
Britne Oldford  as Missy
Lannan Eacott  as LazarBeam
Kayla Caulfield  as Soonami Tech
Seán McLoughlin  as JackSepticeye
Janelle Feigley  as Jogger
Kayla Rae Vesce  as Desert Soldier Avatar
Olivia Z Cote  as Teen Girl #2
Imane 'Pokimane' Anys  as Pokimane
Owen Burke  as Bank Robber #2
Daniel Middleton  as DanTDM
Heidi Garrow  as Avatar / NPC
Sophie Levy  as Big City Dreamer
Lin Hult  as Specialty Non Playable Character (as Lin Hultgren)
Michael Tow  as Rain Man
Octavia Chavez-Richmond  as Barista
Jose Guns Alves  as Soonami Security Chief
Yuliya Mulyar  as Street NPC
Alyssa Talbot  as Soonami Tech
Al Saif Alshad  as Rasel
Jamaal Burcher  as Maintenance Man
Michael Malvesti  as Newsstand Vendor
Austin Simone  as Tsunami Security Guard
Shannon Hartman  as Female Game Reporter
Ej Neri  as Soonami Tech
Brandon Scales  as Businessman NPC
Raj Jawa  as Gamer #1
Francisco Marquez  as Bank Robber #1
Brett Girard  as Dancing Cowboy Avatar
Kenneth Israel  as Businessman
Destiny Claymore  as Art Nerd (as Destiny Claymore McCottrell)
Mariama Condé  as Teenager #1
Mark Lainer  as Hostage
Mike Devine  as Officer Johnny
Cassidy Neal  as Police Officer NPC
Daphney Leigh  as Meter Maid NPC
Ryan Doyle  as Teen Boy #3
Patrick Vincent Curran  as Anonamou$e
David Arthur Sousa  as Homeless Man
Jonathan De Azevedo  as Jonathan - Antwan's Assistant
David Morwick  as Douche Guy
Adrian M. Mompoint  as Avatar
Michael Marchand  as Fire Fighter
Eugene Nomura  as Japanese Reporter
Matthew Hayes  as Game Reporter
Gabrielle Lorthe  as Teenage Gamer #2
Ralph Ayala  as NPC - Security
Meg Fox  as Avatar / NPC Motorcyclist
Anabel Graetz  as Phyliss
Jeff Bouffard  as Police Officer NPC
Elaine Victoria Grey  as Business Atmos
Martin Lee  as Bartender
Derek Mellor  as Street NPC
Ric Plamenco  as Ice Cream Vendor
Ethan Rodgers  as Soonami Tech
Nelson Aquino  as Coffee Shop NPC
Brett Schneider  as Contestant
Michael Balzano III  as BankBusiness Man NPC
Vernon Scott  as Bank Manager
Patrick Keeffe  as Soonami Tech
Victoria Diamond  as Coffee Shop Patron
Kelly Pokrywka  as Preppy Girl NPC
Christian Cibotti  as Taxi Driver
Colin Allen  as Shoe Clerk
Bob Gilliam  as Skip Thenews
Marisa Defranco  as NPC
Ian Wallace  as Video Game Reporter
Jordan Sartor-Francis  as Workout Brad
Anthony Jon  as Real World Guy
Deanna Buonomo  as Street NPC
Kaitlyn Webster  as Avatar
Nate Killian  as Soonami Tech
Ben Bunnag  as Soonami Tech
Laurie Kwiatkowski  as Homeless Woman
Rodrigo Santos  as Storm Trooper Avatar
Elainy Mata  as Gamer #3

Release date

When is Free Guy movie release date?

"Free Guy" movie release date was scheduled to be on August 11, 2021 (France), on August 12, 2021 (Germany, Hungary) and on August 13, 2021 (United States, Norway) distributing by 20th Century Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International, Forum Hungary, Kinomania, NOS Audiovisuais, Odeon, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Argentina, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Finland, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Germany and Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.


What are Free Guy filming details?

The duration of the film is 115 minutes. The film's budget is $100 - 125 million.

"Free Guy" movie is rated "PG-13", according to the MPAA film rating system.


What are critics and audiences saying about Free Guy movie?

"Free Guy" movie got high rating from critics. IMDB rating is 7.7/10.

More information and reviews on "Free Guy" movie you can get on the following websites.

"Free Guy" movie official website with trailer, full cast, crew and plot summary review:

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

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