"Fear of Rain" is a 2021 American psychological thriller film directed by Castille Landon.
The starring cast includes Katherine Heigl as Michelle Burroughs, Madison Iseman as Rain Burroughs, Israel Broussard as Caleb, Eugenie Bondurant as Dani McConnell, Harry Connick Jr. as John Burroughs, Julia Vasi as Alexa, Enuka Okuma as Dr. Ellen Pangloss, Hudson Rodgers as Malia, Lyla Restaino as Young Rain, Ashley Abrams as Sylvie and others.

Here are "Fear of Rain" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Fear of Rain movie?

Lionsgate Movies on Thursday, January 14, 2021 released the trailer for "Fear of Rain" you can watch here:
Fear of Rain (2021 Movie) Official Trailer - Katherine Heigl, Harry Connick Jr.

Plot summary

What is Fear of Rain movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Fear of Rain" movie plot summary.

The film opens with Rain Burroughs (Madison Iseman) running down a forest being chased by a man with a dark hoodie. She wakes up in a hospital surrounded by her mother Michelle (Katherine Heigl) and her father John (Harry Connick Jr.) and is taken into a therapist room. Rain goes back to school the next day and befriends Caleb (Israel Broussard), a new boy at the school who Rain thinks is perfect. One night while having a bad dream Rain sees a vision of her teacher Mrs. McConnell (Eugenie Boundarant) dancing with a small child. She wakes up and starts freaking out but her father John assures her no one has been captured. Rain and her father head to Mrs. McConnell's house and find no evidence. The next day at school Rain accidentally bumps into Mrs. McConnell at the schools cafeteria and runs outside in fear. Caleb finds her and comforts her while Rain tells Caleb about what she saw last night in her dream. Caleb believes in Rain and the two head out to Mrs. McConnell's home. They search the house however Mrs. McConnell arrives home and the two flee back to Caleb's car. The next day at school Rain and Caleb have fun by going to an aquarium and eating ice cream. Later that day the two head back to school and search for missing children. Rain finds a child that looks strangely identical to the one she saw. As she heads to get a drink of water she sees a girl in her school crying. She tries to comfort her but the girl lashes out on her saying, "Just because you're schizophrenic, doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't messed up too!" in front of students. Later that day Caleb and Rain talk to each other as Caleb questions Rain about her Schizophrenia. The next day at school Rain gives Mrs. McConnell a drawing of her holding a child. That night Rain and Caleb head towards Mrs. McConnell's home and attempt to break in.


Who plays who in the Fear of Rain movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Fear of Rain" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Katherine Heigl  as Michelle Burroughs
Madison Iseman  as Rain Burroughs
Israel Broussard  as Caleb
Eugenie Bondurant  as Dani McConnell
Harry Connick Jr.  as John Burroughs
Julia Vasi  as Alexa
Enuka Okuma  as Dr. Ellen Pangloss
Hudson Rodgers  as Malia
Lyla Restaino  as Young Rain
Ashley Abrams  as Sylvie
Jannette Sepwa  as Nurse Rosa
Bianca D'Ambrosio  as Cinda
Brian Yang  as Doctor
Lindsay Lamb  as Cam
Tommy Kelly  as Coach
Mackenzie Bonefont  as Officer 1
Todd Goble  as Vice Principal
Chiara D'Ambrosio  as Linda
Jake Hagan  as Student Council Candidate
Madison Rosa  as Pretty Girl
Keil Oakley Zepernick  as The Man with Yellow Eyes

Release date

When is Fear of Rain movie release date?

"Fear of Rain" movie release date was scheduled to be on February 12, 2021 (United States) distributing by Lionsgate, GEM Entertainment, The Searchers, Front Row Filmed Entertainment, Leonine Distribution, Signature Entertainment and Storm Pictures Korea.


What are Fear of Rain filming details?

The duration of the film is 104 minutes. The film grossed over $17,521.

"Fear of Rain" movie is rated "PG-13", according to the MPAA film rating system.

Principal photography began in April 2019 in Tampa, Florida, and St.


What are critics and audiences saying about Fear of Rain movie?

"Fear of Rain" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 5.8/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 55/100.

More information and reviews on "Fear of Rain" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Fear of Rain on IMDB is available at:

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