"Magic Camp" is a 2020 American family film directed by Mark Waters.
The starring cast includes Jeffrey Tambor, Gillian Jacobs, Adam DeVine, Cole Sand, Isabella Crovetti, Izabella Alvarez, Hayden Crawford, Bianca Grava, Aldis Hodge, Rochelle Aytes and others.

Here are "Magic Camp" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Magic Camp movie?

Walt Disney Studios on Monday, August 10, 2020 released the trailer for "Magic Camp" you can watch here:
Magic Camp | Official Trailer | Disney+.

Plot summary

What is Magic Camp movie plot?

Here is a short review of "Magic Camp" movie plot summary.

Theo Moses (Nathaniel Logan McIntyre) is an aspiring young magician coping with the death of his father. His mother reveals his acceptance video from the Institute of Magic, a summer camp run by the eccentric Roy Preston; assuming his father applied for him, Theo agrees to attend. Andy Duckerman (Adam Devine) is a down-on-his-luck former magician with a grudge against the famous Kristina Darkwood (Gillian Jacobs), who has a successful solo act on the Las Vegas strip. Preston persuades Andy, his former student, to return to camp as a counselor alongside Darkwood.
At camp, the students are split into four different cabins to face each other in the end-of-year Top Hat competition, where one student will win the coveted Golden Wand. Andy is assigned to lead the Hearts cabin, including Theo; allergy-prone Nathan Jenkins; rabbit-obsessed Ruth Brusselbach; Judd Kessler (Josie Totah), the less talented son of a famous magician; and antisocial Vera Costa (Izabella Alvarez). Darkwood leads the Diamonds, including previous Golden Wand winner and bully Vic d'Antonio (Hayden Crawford), and Janelle Santos (Bianca Grava), who takes a liking to Theo.
The inexperienced Hearts struggle to learn magic, and a frustrated Andy almost quits, but discovers that Theo has a gift for card tricks. Determined to beat Darkwood, Andy helps the Hearts realize their hidden talents: Judd embraces costume design, Ruth has an affinity for birds over bunnies, Nathan can perform impressive mental calculations, and Vera begins to make friends. Helping Theo overcome his stage fright, Andy reveals that he and Darkwood met as campers, and became a couple as well as magic partners; she accepted a television deal behind his back, and her career took off while he fell into obscurity.


Who plays who in the Magic Camp movie?

Here is the full cast and characters of "Magic Camp" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Jeffrey Tambor  as Roy Preston the mentor and owner of the magic camp
Gillian Jacobs  as Kristina Darkwood Andy's former partner
Cole Sand  as Nathan Jenkins the best friend of Theo
Isabella Crovetti  as Ruth Brusselbach a girl obsessed with bunnies and becomes a bird expert
Izabella Alvarez  as Vera Costa a moody girl
Hayden Crawford  as Vic d'Antonio the previous year's golden wand winner and a bully
Bianca Grava  as Janelle Santos Theo's crush
Aldis Hodge  as Devin Moses Theo's father
Rochelle Aytes  as Zoe Moses Theo's mother
Krystal Joy Brown  as Lena
Desmond Chiam  as Xerxes
Lonnie Chavis  as Cameron Moses Theo's younger brother
Michael Hitchcock  as Korny Kessler
Michael Anastasia  as Driver - 'Hamilton'
Adam Devine  as Andy
Nathaniel Logan McIntyre  as Theo (as Nathaniel McIntyre)
Josie Totah  as Judd (as J.J. Totah)
Riley Siegler  as Randall - Bird Boy
Justin Willman  as Guy in Taxi
Verona Blue  as Girl in Taxi
Nick Bush  as Taxi Shake Guy
Chauntal Lewis  as Bridesmaid
Lexi Marman  as Bridesmaid
Charlet Takahashi Chung  as Bridesmaid (as Charlet Chung)
Madison Bontempo  as Bride
Edith Fields  as Old Lady
Tom Lommel  as Nathan's Dad
Rebecca Metz  as Nathan's Mom
Serena Aarniokoski  as Vic Accomplice
Victor Buno  as Candy Clerk
Jor-el Vaasborg  as Townie Teen
Jono Cota  as Townie Teen
Ego Nwodim  as Volunteer (at Andy's Show)
Willie Garson  as Casino Manager
Joe Alvarez  as Nathan Volunteer #1
Nicole Lynn Evans  as Nathan Volunteer #2

Release date

When is Magic Camp movie release date?

"Magic Camp" movie release date was scheduled to be on August 14, 2020 distributing by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Walt Disney Television.


What are Magic Camp filming details?

The duration of the film is 100 minutes. The film's budget is $24 million.

"Magic Camp" movie is rated "PG", according to the MPAA film rating system.

Principal photography began on January 10, 2017 in and around Los Angeles.


What are critics and audiences saying about Magic Camp movie?

"Magic Camp" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 6.3/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 38/100.

More information and reviews on "Magic Camp" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Magic Camp on IMDB is available at:

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