"12 Mighty Orphans" is a 2021 American sports film directed by Ty Roberts.
The starring cast includes Luke Wilson as Rusty Russell, Vinessa Shaw as Juanita Russell, Wayne Knight as Frank Wynn, Jake Austin Walker as Hardy Brown, Jacob Lofland as Snoggs, Robert Duvall as Mason Hawk, Martin Sheen as Doc Hall, Levi Dylan as Fairbanks, Treat Williams as Amon Carter, Carlson Young as Annie and others.

Here are "12 Mighty Orphans" movie trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for 12 Mighty Orphans movie?

Sony Pictures Classics on Friday, April 16, 2021 released the trailer for "12 Mighty Orphans" you can watch here:
12 MIGHTY ORPHANS | Official Trailer (2021).

Plot summary

What is 12 Mighty Orphans movie plot?

Here is a short review of "12 Mighty Orphans" movie plot summary.

A coach arrives at the Masonic School for Orphans and creates an alternative football team with some of the orphan boys.


Who plays who in the 12 Mighty Orphans movie cast?

Here is the full cast and characters of "12 Mighty Orphans" movie. Actors and actresses are sorted mostly in credits order.

Luke Wilson  as Rusty Russell
Vinessa Shaw  as Juanita Russell
Wayne Knight  as Frank Wynn
Jake Austin Walker  as Hardy Brown
Jacob Lofland  as Snoggs
Robert Duvall  as Mason Hawk
Martin Sheen  as Doc Hall
Levi Dylan  as Fairbanks
Treat Williams  as Amon Carter
Carlson Young  as Annie
Natasha Bassett  as Opal
Scott Haze  as Rodney Kidd
Lane Garrison  as Luther Scarborough
Sampley Barinaga  as Chicken
Kelly Frye  as Young Mary Jane
Slade Monroe  as Wheatie
Lucy Faust  as Wanda Sealy
Rooster McConaughey  as Pop Boone (as Mike 'Rooster' McConaughey)
King Orba  as Remmert
Larry Pine  as President Roosevelt
Lillie Fink  as Betty
Josie Fink  as Betty
Preston Porter  as Dewitt
Ron White  as Sheriff Red Wright
Woodrow Luttrell  as Leon Pickett
Jacob Audirsch  as Scott McCall
Gavin Warren  as Young Rusty
Michael Gohlke  as Crazy
Bailey Roberts  as Miller
Tyler Silva  as A.P. Torres
Manuel Tapia  as Carlos Torres
Austin Shook  as Ray
David Lambert  as UIL Member
Austin Robert Russell  as Maywood (as Austin Russell)
Kellen McAlone  as Poly Kicker
Aaron Beck  as Referee (Poly Game 1)
Jeff Swearingen  as Earl
Lee Ellis  as Referee (Poly Game 2)
Keath Kibbey  as Big Poly Player
Zach Rose  as Pinkney Russell
Heath Freeman  as Coach Cox
Brian Lafontaine  as Referee #2
Scotty Sayers  as Highland Park Coach (as Scott Sayers)
Robert Henry  as Referee Highland Game
Troy Dungan  as Amarillo Reporter
Robert Musgrave  as Mineral Wells Coach
Jake McAlister  as Burly Assistant
Hal Jay  as Radio Announcer
Matt Herring  as Reveler
Kelly Dealyn  as Secretary
Breckyn Hager  as Greathouse
George Young Jr.  as Amarillo Coach (as George Young)
Gil Prather  as Mason Band Leader
Angelique De Luca  as Sister Cora
Harry Hudson  as Dr. Worley
Michael Lockwood Crouch  as Movie Theater Announcer
John Torres  as Announcer
Tami Carter  as Highland Park Football Fan (credit only)

Release date

When is 12 Mighty Orphans movie release date?

"12 Mighty Orphans" movie release date was scheduled to be on June 11, 2021 distributing by Sony Pictures Classics.


What are 12 Mighty Orphans filming details?

The duration of the film is 118 minutes. The film grossed over $3.7 million.

"12 Mighty Orphans" movie is rated "PG-13", according to the MPAA film rating system.


What are critics and audiences saying about 12 Mighty Orphans movie?

"12 Mighty Orphans" movie got average rating from critics. IMDB rating is 6.9/10. Rotten Tomatoes rating is 29/100.

More information and reviews on "12 Mighty Orphans" movie you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

12 Mighty Orphans on IMDB is available at:

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