"Pacific Rim: The Black" is an American anime-style streaming television series directed by Greg Johnson and Craig Kyle.

Here are "Pacific Rim: The Black" TV series trailer, plot summary, full cast and characters, release date, streaming services and everything we know so far.


Is there a trailer for Pacific Rim: The Black TV series?

Netflix on Friday, February 26, 2021 released the trailer for "Pacific Rim: The Black" you can watch here:
Pacific Rim: The Black | Official Trailer #2 | Netflix.

Plot summary

What is Pacific Rim: The Black TV series plot?

Here is a short review of "Pacific Rim: The Black" TV series plot summary.

A teenage boy and his younger sister search for their parents using a giant mobile weapon known as a Jaeger. Anime series based on the feature film 'Pacific Rim'.


What are Pacific Rim: The Black filming details?

"Pacific Rim: The Black" series are produced by Legendary Pictures and Legendary Television.

Country of origin: United States. Original language: English.

More information and reviews on "Pacific Rim: The Black" TV series you can get on the following websites.

IMDb is an online database of information related to films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online - including cast, production crew and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews.

Pacific Rim: The Black on IMDB is available at:

Wikipedia is a multilingual open-collaborative online encyclopedia created and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.

Pacific Rim: The Black on Wikipedia is available at: